Hear from Lonnie J. Reese, Development Director
for St. Michael's School, on how they get Peace of Mind
with Cirrus Visual.
What is your passion?
My passion is to make sure our students get the very best education in Tucson! Through the money I am able to raise, the opportunity available to these children only can get better and better. I am able to help provide the financial support to embrace the balanced program of St. Michael's, which integrates rigorous academics, strong character formation, an emphasis on physical well-being, and an appreciation of the fine arts. Our graduates emerge as leaders ready to make a difference in the world!
What makes you unique?
The difference is balance. St. Michael's has a strong sense of community, bringing many different constituencies together in support of the kids and their balanced vision of the world. We are a family, and we support these children with our individual time, talents, and treasures.
What drives your organization?
Lots of great people. We are blessed to have a community of teachers, parents, church, and community supporters coming together to fulfill St. Michael's mission: to foster the intellectual, physical, artistic, ethical, and spiritual development of our students, creating scholars and leaders for the 21st-Century.
How did Cirrus bring you peace of mind?
Cirrus is my partner in reaching out to our community. Through the many publications that our school creates through the year to promote our vital campaigns and share news of our successes, Cirrus is there to execute on every level. They understand our community and help keep our message clear and exciting every time. Thank you, Cirrus. We couldn't do the great work we do in support of these wonderful children without you!
Learn more about St. Michael's School at StMichael.net
2015 Annual Halo Fund Campaign Theme Design
This look and feel was then rolled out into a brochure mailer, pledge/donation card, banners, eblast, and campus signage.